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SUCCESS INCENSE STICKS for Business Success, Creativity & Luck

Regular price $11.00 USD
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My Success Incense Sticks are blessed with the power of Citrine & Carnelian. Citrine brings happiness, joy & Optimism into ones life while energizing & invigorating one. Citrine removes negative energy and replaces it with positive energy helping one to manifest ones biggest dreams & bringing in success & prosperity! Carnelian brings motivation, courage, vitality & is full of Sun energy assisting one in creative endeavors and accomplishing ones goals. 

Sweet Orange is wonderful for lifting ones spirits; energized with the energy of the Sun this lovely scent can help give one the drive & ambition needed to accomplish ones dreams. It brings joy, happiness & creativity.


These enchanting handmade incense sticks burn for approximately 50 minutes and are made up of blend of essential oil & fragrance on pressed charcoal & blessed with the energies of Citrine & Carnelian to help enhance the natural properties. There are 20 magickal sticks in each pack, that yield beautiful and lingering aromas, wherever they are burned. Crystal chips are placed with the incense to keep the vibrations strong.

Magickal Blessings,


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