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RUE INCENSE STICKS for Love, Healing, Protection, Mental Powers

Regular price $11.00 USD
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Crafted specifically with mystical protection in mind, my Rue incense sticks are designed to help protect against curses and hexes. You can burn them in your home to provide a protective background to your everyday life or instead use them in ritual to make your protective spells more capable of warding off hexes, curses, and other such negative attention.

Botanical Name :Ruta graveolens

Powers: Love, Healing, Health, Mental Powers & Exorcism

Element: Fire
Planet: Mars

Use these single-note botanical incense to create your own spells or advance your meditation practices. They can be used during ritual or consecration of tools or crystals, that best suit your needs.

These enchanting handmade botanical incense sticks burn for approximately 60 minutes and are made up of blend of essential oil & fragrance on pressed charcoal & blessed with the energies of Clear Quartz to help enhance the natural properties. There are 20 magickal sticks in each pack, that yield beautiful and lingering aromas, wherever they are burned.

Magickal Blessings,


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