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for Love & Money

Regular price $9.00 USD
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Imbued with the fragrance we all know and love, our Patchouli incense is a soothing presence in any room in which it is burned. Upon the altar, it has also been known for its use in love spells, as well as magick seeking personal growth and mastery.

Patchouli is said to help to attract prosperity & dispels negativity & to promote good dreams. Patchouli also slows down the sense of time perception, allowing one to better work in the realm of magick. This enchanting earthy scent is a popular ingredient used in spells to draw in money, offer protection, defend against negative energies or evil intent. It helps one in the spiritual power of releasing, whether it be certain vibrations, addictions or banishing harmful people from one's life. Patchouli is tied to the Earth element as well, bringing great grounding frequencies & enhancing focus, which is why it makes for such a great manifesting tool.

Botanical Name : Pogostemon Cablin

Powers: Money, prosperity, Love, Lust, Manifestation, Sexual Power, Courage, Banishing Evil, protection, Fertility

Element: Earth
Planet: Saturn
Chakra: Root~ Solar Plexus~ Crown

Deity Associations: Pan, Brigid, Aphrodite, Dionysus

Astrological Signs: Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn.

Use these single-note botanical incense to create your own spells or advance your meditation practices. They can be used during ritual or consecration of tools or crystals, that best suit your needs.

These enchanting handmade botanical incense sticks burn for approximately 60 minutes and are made up of blend of essential oil & fragrance on pressed charcoal & blessed with the energies of Clear Quartz to help enhance the natural properties. There are 13 magickal sticks in each pack, that yield beautiful and lingering aromas, wherever they are burned.

Magickal Blessings,


The Woodland Witch makes no promises as to the outcome of her items as these are merely tools the magick truly lies within oneself!

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