for purification & protection
Magickal uses of lavender flowers include love, protection, healing, sleep, purification, and peace. It is believed to promote healing from depression. Great in sleep pillows and bath spells. Believed to preserve chastity when mixed with rosemary. Burn as incense to induce sleep and rest, then scatter the ashes around the home to bring peace and harmony. Use in love spells and sachets, especially those to attract men.
Household uses for lavender:
Of all the simples in the botanical kingdom, few hold such a place of reverence in the gardens and hearts of herbal enthusiasts as lavender. Its graceful beauty, peppery fragrance, and potent therapeutic properties have made this herb a staple in the kitchen and bath.
These lovely Lavender handmade incense sticks burn for approximately 50 minutes and are made up of blend of essential oil & fragrance on pressed charcoal. There are 20 magickal sticks in each pack, that yield beautiful and lingering aromas, wherever they are burned.
Blessed Be!
More incense in my shop!