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for new beginnings & renewed energy

Regular price $30.00 USD
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Imbolc is the time of year when we are looking for the first signs of spring after a long winter to refresh our souls. It's a promise that the winter cannot last forever and that warm & fertile days are just around the corner. Imbolc is the sabbat midway between the Winter Solstice & the Vernal Equinox. Imbolc is celebrated on February 1st & Candlemas is celebrated on February 2nd. The terms are used interchangeably but in actuality are two different holidays.  Imbolc is a time when we start to make new plans & ideas are planted. It's also a time to take a step back and reevaluate our lives; to let go of the people, ideas or things that are holding us back from the life we want to live.

Garnet activates the energy within the Root Chakra, awakening ones passion as a vital force pushing one into ones new chosen life path. It allows one to draw the natural energy of the beautiful new beginnings of Spring.

Lavender is calming allowing one to relax & feel safe working towards the new changes brought on by Spring. Golden Amber helps one to heal past traumas so one can effectively move forward knowing their path is cleared of emotional blocks. Helped with Patchouli reminding one to stay grounded and bringing forth abundance.

This magickal hand-poured 6oz. candle can be used for spells or just the aromatherapy that it offers. This decorative jar candle is made up of organic soy & coconut wax, non-toxic paper-core wick, fragrance & essential oil blend & is topped with the associated crystal chip gemstones. The magickal aura around each candle is powerful on its own, creating a shift in energy of any room it is left in. This beautiful candle offers a high scent throw.  It has an average burn time of 50+ hours. It comes in a reusable glass apothecary jar with cork lid.

May your New Beginnings Be Blessed,


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