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for faerie connection

Regular price $11.00 USD
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Use these magickal incense sticks to help connect to the Fairy Realm. African Violet is wonderful for protection when dealing with the Fae and is also a favored flower to attract. African Violet is also helpful in connecting one to ones spirituality thus further assisting one in enlightenment when dealing with the Fairy Realm. Burn them to invite the Fae to join you in your endeavors or as an offering.

These wonderful handmade alchemy incense sticks burn for approximately 50 minutes each and are made up of pressed charcoal sticks, crystal energies, fragrance oils & essential oils. There are 20 magickal sticks in each pack, that yield beautiful and lingering aroma wherever they are burned. They are blessed with chip stones of Labradorite crystals.

May your travels be blessed,


More incense available in my shop!

The Woodland Witch makes no promises as to the outcome of her items as these are merely tools the magick truly lies within oneself!

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