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for manifestation & power

Regular price $18.00 USD
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This Listing is for real Dragon's Blood Resin which has long been used in magick to enhance rituals & strengthen manifestation power in spells. No matter what kind of spells you are trying to cast, Dragon’s Blood is a powerful booster to anything you put out into the universe. The resin comes from the rattan palm tree, known as Daemonorops draco & is harvested in Sumatra. Historically the 'Bleeding' sap of the 'dragon' tree, resembled blood, and has harvested in order to make a paste to help heal wounds and protect an individual from infections, creating a 'natural bandaid' upon the skin.

In Ritual, Dragon's Blood Resin has been added to anything from magickal inks to protection sachets & continues to be a favorite among practitioners for it's powerful properties. Dragon's Blood adds power to whatever intention it is used for.

I like to add Dragon's Blood to my ink so when I am writing my intentions it will give them manifestation powers.
Powers: Power to Spells, Manifestation, Intention, Protection, Love Drawing, Money Attraction, Healing Rituals, Emotional Strength, Heightening Ritual Energy, Banishing, Love, Healing, Increased Potency, Honoring the Gods, Goddesses, Spirits or Ancestors.

Daemomorops Draco

Each glass apothecary jar is 1 oz. by volume & comes with an informative label. There is enough resin in one jar to last for many uses. Store in cool dry place when not in use.  Keep from heat or direct sunlight. (Resin may melt) Best Burned over hot charcoal, A little goes a long way, once your charcoal is hot sprinkle some resin over it and allow it to diffuse the aromatic smoke.

( Make sure room is well ventilated & use hot charcoals with caution. )

Magickal Blessings,
~ Storm 

* All Sales Final. Herbs & information provided is not meant to treat or diagnose any disease or ailment. Please seek medical attention if needed & always do research before consuming herbs or resins. Many contain natural high medicinal properties, which may be toxic to pets, small children & Women who are nursing or pregnant.
* Information is for educational purposes only.

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