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for control, balance & black magick

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Calamus Root can be used in healing incense and pouches. Keep small pieces of Calamus in the corners of ones kitchen to ward off hunger & poverty.
Calamus can be used to strengthen & bind any spell which means it can be added to any of ones magickal workings to make it stronger. Use this during the waxing Moon to invoke healing, luck & prosperity and use during the waning Moon to protect us by banishing harm, ill health and mental suffering.
As this is a root it has strong ties to the earth helping one to ground ones energy in turn the stability in energy allows one more control & dominance over ones life bringing confidence and the powers of persuasion, strength & balance. This root works best in Witch bottles, potpourri, mojo bags and witch balls. Not recommended for consumption.

Gender: Feminine
Planet: Moon/Sun
Element: Water/Fire
Powers: Dominance, Control, Balance, Black Magick, Luck, Protection, Money & Healing

This magickal herb comes in a 2 oz. Victorian Apothecary jar with Pentacle charm and informative label. 

Magickal Blessings,

More herbs are available in my shop!

The Woodland Witch makes no promises as to the outcomes of ones magick as these are but tools the true magick lies within oneself. I strongly advise doing ones own research before using herbs.

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