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for Protection & Transmuting Negativity

Regular price $2.00 USD
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Black Tourmaline acts as a strong shield against any psychic attacks, low vibrational energy, harm or ill-wishing to the body or aura of an individual. This shielding affect makes for great use during ritual or meditative spell work, as it grounds & centers one's energy throughout all the chakras, allowing room for more focus, as subtle distractions can easily take us out of our balanced state of mind when casting magick or manifestations.
This stones works to clear and re-energize the chakras and aura, pushing away harmful energy & enhancing spiritual wisdom.
Black Tourmaline works as a great shield from Electromagnetic smog that you get from electronic devices. 
Long used for Scrying, this stone has ancient ties to Shamans, Witch's & Healers. It enhances the vibration in ritual work, guiding the user towards the best direction. While it banishes all negative energy, it can help one to work in their highest good, amplifying manifestation power. After long term use, one can notice a stronger bond with nature, as Black Tourmaline provides a beautiful connection between Earth & Human. 
Because Black Tourmaline absorbs & blocks so much of the 'negative' energy you may encounter, it's a good practice to smudge this stone regularly.

ZODIAC: Virgo, Libra, Capricorn  


CHAKRA: Root    

Witchy tip: Keep a big piece of Black Tourmaline with you when being on computers & cell phones for long periods of time.

Each tumbled stone measures approx. 1" and each special stone chooses its new home. You will receive ONE tumbled stone piece per order qty.  Each stone will come in a beautiful ivory organza bag with information card. Before use of your new crystals, it is always a good idea to consecrate each stone for it's intended purpose. You can do so, by smudging (with sage) each stone to clear any energies it has absorbed and putting your intention forth on each stone, resetting & programming it for how it will help you. 

Magickal Blessings,


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