AQUAMARINE Squares AAA Quality
for Intuition, Protection & Meditation
Ancient civilizations believed Aquamarine carried the power to counteract the forces of darkness and provide protection & favor of the spirits of light.
Sailors often used this stone for protection against mishaps at sea. Aquamarine is a very spiritual stone that opens ones intuition and strengthens clairvoyance abilities.
Aquamarine is a wonderful crystal to use in meditation as it helps one achieve higher states of consciousness & spiritual awareness. It's spiritual benefits can also help one to connect more fully with ones own guides & celestial teams. Aquamarine has a powerful ability to shield ones aura & protect from negative vibrations & harmful energies.
As aquamarine is a water stone it allows one to tune into ones emotions & to balance any excesses & mood swings. Use this crystal to cleanse & align ones chakras. The gentle nurturing vibrations will calm ones frayed nerves and can calm others around you. This makes it a great stone to carry if one is living a high pressured or stressful lifestyle. Aquamarine works best when worn close to the skin as in jewelry or as a bra stone.
These beautiful pieces of Aquamarine are AAA quality and cut into little squares. They are approx. 10mm