Full Moon in Gemini - Woodland Witchcraft

Full Moon in Gemini

November 27th


Full Moon energy is very powerful energy. Some of us can be very sensitive to it & even feel energized for days before & after the Full Moon. This Full Moon in Gemini can be a little tricky, however, as you could be trying to reconcile with your dark side. Geminis aren’t terribly comfortable with having a dark side, as they are usually more comfortable with the lighter side of things. This is a really good time to focus on harmonizing your thoughts with your feelings. Remember that wholeness is the integration of both light & dark.

This Full Moon is a great time to open your mind to the perspective of others. Just make sure you don’t give up on something you really believe in. Remember to keep in mind that this full moon will be contacting Mars & Saturn, which can turn thoughts into obstacles. It’s important to be mindful of your thoughts right now as our lives & minds are busier this time of year, you don’t want to fall into monkey mind overdrive. Just take time to keep your thoughts in check with journaling & meditation.

If there is something you wish to release or let go of from your life, this is the time to set that intention & see it done. A great activity for this Full Moon in Gemini would be a ritual for letting go. Write what you want to release on bay leaves & burn them under the Moons loving gaze. This is also a good time to meditate on your life’s journey & check in with yourself to be sure you are still on the path you want to be on. I find it helpful to journal about feelings & thoughts that come up to see if redirection is needed. Always remember to be gentle with yourself & take time for self-care.


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